Pakistan's defeat, India's win in ICCT20 WC, atleast some people think this... After Pakistan defeated from SL in the current T20 WC yesterday, I have come across facebook and twitter, that Indian fans are mentioning a lot hard comments about Pakistan team and virtually trying to defend our own mistakes. Even few people try to defend Indian team saying Australia did politics and kept themselves down against Pakistan in the match which forced India to stay out from the semis. Few cricket experts and legends also feel the same. But I would like to put a question here, shall we depend on our neighbour, that if they will build the side wall then I ll take the benefit and build the roof to make my house ? Here now we have to analyse that team India performed so badly against Australia which made them stay out of the semis. If India would have played well against Aus, forget about the defeat, if atleast would have maintained a good score then the run rate would have been in a better...